Thursday, April 3, 2008

(sighs), I don't know what to do with them...

Sadie and Duke killing a deer.

This is Duke's first deer and Sadie's tenth(Sadie has been clean for 6 years). One and a half week ago we were at Black Hill hiking around and I didn't think there would be deer there. I guess the whole thing is my fault because I took them there. Yep, they killed an innocent deer and we left the deer all knawed off and still alive lieing there. We got out of there soon as possible just in case no one saw us. I came home so sad and upset. I felt bad for the deer and upset with Sadie and Duke. Maybe it's just a natural thing for them, that's way dogs are I guess. Sadie and Duke are not alone, one time I talked to Niki Christiansen(Niki Gordon) and she said her neighborhood dogs had killed some deer before too around that area(by the Canyon Road). It's a sad thing but it's just what dogs do and you can get in real big trouble about it. I got in trouble with some farmers and residents their back in the Sadie days and I haven't took her up there ever since. I took them to Black Hill all summer last year so I guess I learned that I shouldn't take them there in the spring time. Just wait until the deer are in the deep mountains this year then I will take them there.


Putz said...

i fe3el really really bad...mostly for us bipeds when we end up in joe brienholt's corurt for DOG AT LARGE or DEER ALL DEAD, both crimes of the city of ephraim...........i know the cops watch our house cause i see them huddle in their cars around stop signs or trees...uncle glenn in tooele said we are in big trouble and if we were in tooele none of us dog or biped would have our freedom..oh well, i had nothing better to do anyway

Skybob said...

One of my dogs killed a chicken once and mom made me put my dog to sleep! Mom has changed alot. That dog's name was Jenny I think. Bruce bit a person and we put him to sleep..I can see why we did that. You can't have dogs that will bite people(except for Sandy I guess) You better be carefull with those dogs.

Shell said...

There are reasons dogs are suposed to be on a leash or in a fence. I wouldn't ever want my kids by those dogs they sound way to wild to me. Killing a deer is not just a small thing. It may be poaching.

Putz said...

do youu know what i have concluded?? peeople will leave 700 comments on good dog blogs like ivy, hana, cooper, max etec. but nobody wants to comment on a bad dog blogs, and it is simply true, sadie and duke are baaaaaad dooooogs

Putz said...

i am sorry the dogs are so bad, i know people think it is just awful and it is, dan feels bad, i feel absolutelly awful because to me all life is so precious and i especia;ll ask for pink tomatoe, and blondefabulous for their forgivness for those stupid dogs

Putz said...

true confessions...i guess it is good for the soul....

Putz said...

true confessions...i guess it is good for the soul....

Daniel said...

this blog is buuging gets absolutely no traffci.....none is intereseted in bad dogs....i have been banned from dogs with blog for life....the wored is out that even if i do comment on dog blogs, that they are not to respond to me, so ivy ahna cooper piraate mavs marvin bravehear and all the charlies don't go to my blogs or becky's bark blog all because of a even twetee suffers or speeding or whoever

Daniel said...

that above was me the putz, i am lazy but still upset, oh well i have all my girlfriends and men compadres on about 40 other blogs but they are infrequent also in responding

Putz said...

yea dan i feel for us and our dogs, they could be popular if they din't kill deer, run down peoples cats, poop on their lawn bark at their dogs, lunge at

yea i feel bad, they would be popular if they dim't kill deer, chase cats, poop on lawns, bark at everyone, lunge at$iooo ., dollar dogs, scare little children

Putz said...

only one visit to this post in two days, it is dying the slow death of bogs

Putz said...

maybe this blog should allow anonymous comments so we can get more traffic, even let dogs with blogs back on, ivys and hana, and opper and and and and

Skybob said...

I have had 110 different people looking at my blog today so far! Sorry you are not getting any traffic. Maybe you need more fire.

Skybob said...

118 unique visitors now in the last 24 hours.

Putz said...

well our stupic air conditionereerer went in today

Skybob said...


Putz said...

i think a new blog here should be how loving sadie and duke are and how they are always going around doing nice things with other dogs

Putz said...

everybody go to red rock canyon that danieel is speaking of

Skybob said...

What in the crap are you talking about? Red Rock Canyon?

Putz said...

i am going to keep this blog going even if no one else is interested. there is a bench warrent out for my arrest because even though i was working for the library, i didn't let the judge know what i was sayss in the warrent, bring him to me, or pay the fifty dollars, so the cops may be on their way

Skybob said...

You're only worth 50 bucks?

Putz said...


Putz said...


Putz said...

I WISH YOU WOULDN'T KILL DEER from joshua11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Putz said...

this was josh first visit to this blog

Putz said...

well, we took them on another walk tonight, and with sandy they are so gentle

Hana said...

Holy Moley! They killed Bambi?
Hana the Dog

Putz said...

so hana, wha do you think of deer hunters who go deer hunting just for the trophey, for let us admit it, they really don't need the meat do they??/.....i am as appalled as you are, but i really like to pet those big dogs, and i have had sadie curl up in my lap, and see how excited they are for walks, so much more than my little pansy dogs...i have paid for their crime by working in the library which was really hard on me, and will try to keep them from killing cats, deer, bunnies, mice, beaver, swquirrellls, and bees, spiders,and flies

Putz said...

wow all that ANGER about tose spuid dogs, we got sme fish from karma's school which we almost killed it was on it's back and then mom got the pump working and it came right back...they really need fresh airated water, so now we have fish, birds dogs, cats and spiders

Putz said...

wow all that ANGER about tose spuid dogs, we got sme fish from karma's school which we almost killed it was on it's back and then mom got the pump working and it came right back...they really need fresh airated water, so now we have fish, birds dogs, cats and spiders

Putz said...

this is so funny, karma and i were walking speeding and sandy and a nosy cop was by the callie olson place on the corner and just then a big fat black dog came running into the street barking at us to protect one of crowther's apartments that the owner's of this dog rent...well as you might know i am still mad at almost being arrested so i have kind of a chip on my shoulder, especially since i almost worked my self to death down at the library, so i said directly at the cop DOG AT LARGE... well i'll be durned if the cop didn.t make a u turn and there they were facing each other in the stree...big black dog and police car...karma was so embarassed and of course i feel a little for the dog although that dog does come over to our house to steal food from us

Skybob said...

Good thing you had your dogs on leashes. Maybe that dog will stop coming into your yard now.

Putz said...

well dan ought to change this is as bad as becky's blog with 83 comments

Putz said...

oh, by the way that DOG AT LARGE BLACK has now been confined to the garage, that policeman made sure that dog will never see the light of day again

Skybob said...

Oh come on.

Putz said...

ya, ton this is day four and the black dog has not been seen or all those dogs down by the apartment laura's dad part owns...this town is suddenly losing all it's dogs...the truth is out there somewhere

Skybob said...

All they have to do is put it on a know, obey the law.

Putz said...

well 40 comments would make this bog spectcular, speeding is such a pest and nusance, he taunts the big dogs trying to play with him and they won't but leaves the cat alone to sleep under the couch

Putz said...

this is day 79 that the dogs have not had a run and are uder leash protection

Putz said...

mom takes sppeeding for a walk every morning while beck sleeps till noon

Putz said...

report on dadie and spuke....sadie had an eye infection,,,,the end


Well, we dogs like to hunt that's what we do. And we feel bad about the deer, cause deer are beautiful creatures. The biggest thing we've ever killed was a jackrabbit that made a fateful decision to wander inside the fence. Don't know if Mom was more upset because we killed the rabbit or dragged it through the doggie door and left it in the kitchen. But even after that our Mom still loves us.

Desert pups,
Scuba, Keiko, Norman and Toby

Putz said...

platoon of four just got their orders for duty in iraq....heres wishing them well overseas duty, and hope they are never in harm,s way...

Putz said...

with our dogs away from us in this trying time we will be preparing doggie love bags with toothbrushes, catnip, hate bush pictures, and cannine rations of bone meal with parsnips

Putz said...

well they are back from their tour of duty a little early....hardship discharge, need to be neer sandy speeding and jp for financial and moral support, glad to have you back so soon pups.....burma shave

Putz said...

sAdies DEAD

Putz said...


Putz said...


Putz said...


Putz said...


Antonio said...

My dog "Cisco" is good as an angel; he is not capable of killing not to a fly.

I want it very much, and he( to me.

Cordial regards.

Putz said...

well mandy is a nial dor...dke is borded without adie...17 cops on our street looking for dogs at large, and doug who runs stop signs...course dug aways gets off and i get the $50 fines, but er are all being watched...i saw one cop with binoculars sitting in his car watching our house

Putz said...

looks like obama has this thing all tied up....well stike one two three for the conservatives

Shell said...

If Obama really has it tied up then it is strike one two three for the whole country.

Putz said...

duke has been out on our porch WITHOUT A LEASH

Putz said...

pretty nice weather, excpt for my hayfever

Putz said...

deerhunter alley....ephraim canyon

Putz said...

hey iveys really liked your patio for lauching sqwireels

Putz said...

sandy does bite people

Putz said...

speedy would bite duke and duke would KILL SPEEDING

Skybob said...

Yes, Sandy does bite people.