for those lucky enough not to live in Sanpete:
1. You don't have to worry about the devil dancing around your head like Kerry Steck says.
2. You don't have to worry about working continually solid days and nights not worrying about grace because "you done it all".
3. You don't have to shovel water for the neighbors like what Becky Fore does.
p.s. I can't wait to move into my stainless steel, hardwood floor, 26 floors above the ground condo. AND leave Sanpete for good and be around normal people who work normal hours and rely on the Savior for some help.
p.p.s. I don't have to worry about dogs at large anymore!
p.p.p.s. I am tired of Sanpeters doing it "their way".
The Putz has had it all. They expect 80 year old widows earn their own welfare money.
I kind of agree. Kerry Steck and all the other Sanpeters overdo the service and show it all thinking it is the only way to be saved. I don't know if I am because I don't go around and serve I guess. Am I right? All I do is home teach and according to Kerry Steck and the Sanpeters, it is not enough. So I got go around and shovel everybody's walks or something to be saved?
i just don't know
Is Dad posting again??
How come this is here and not on putz blog?
i don't want it generally known that grace has a lot to do with my salvation, or i would be kicked out of sanpete...so the dog blog that has no traffic...i can't post because marvin braveeheart has banned me from dog blog posting saying i freek everyone out..so i'm igncognito...savy????
I can understand how you "freek" people out, but... isn't that kind of your agenda anyways?..to get a reaction?
So how can some dog freek tell you not to post?
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