Jasper Belle doesn't want to talk about his nightmare today so I will speak for him. Jasper got in another cat fight not too long ago and his wound was just getting all pussy and worst so I took him to the vet this morning. It was so bad that I had to leave the cat there to get knocked out and have a little operation. So the vet drained the wound out AND neutered the cat. Yes, neutered him! It's true. So, the cat is not a boy anymore, poor Jasper Belle. Hedilous said to come back a week or two to neuter him after the wound is healed. But he did it today anyways while the cat was there because he wasn't sick or anything. So everything is done and overwith. I hope the neuter thing is guaranteed to keep the cat from getting into fights. Gee I hope so. This is the second time it's happened this winter and I saw Jasper Belle fighting with another cat before work once. The cat wasn't too happy today because he has no balls. Poor Jasper Belle. There was another cat there was already knocked out because she just got spayed. Then a lady came in with her cat in a kennel and just had the same thing as Jasper Belle and has been in a fight too but the wound was on the tummy. I am sure that cat got neutered today too. Then I went to work and the first thing my boss told me when I got there, the cat in our shop today.....is sick. There was throw up and diarrea all over the shop. Then I told my boss about this morning then I told him, "today is a really bad day for all the cats". Just remember February 27th is Cat Bad Day Holiday.
Yeah, poor cat got kicked in the face. It sure was a bad day for the cats yesterday. I say.
Poor Jasper Belle. I hope he recovers and that the "chop job" does the trick. That was a nasty wound.
That picture is gross..how is the cat doing?
Oh no Jasper! We hope you are okay! Poor thing. Can't believe you had to get "the procedure"!
Max is doing well. I get to pick him up from the hospital tonight. This should be his last day for IV fluids. It was pretty scary for us (and Max too)!
The cat is doing great. But one problem though, ever since the cat's been fixed, he's been wanting to be in the house all the time, even at night! He used to go cat around at nights. It's too bad. We liked him when he was an outdoor cat, now he's a wimp.
He can't open the door can he?
Kick him out.
Glad to hear he is doing well.
Ouch! I hope Jasper Belle is going to be okay and that the vet fixed up his wound!
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