Hi! I am Sadie, the leader of the Platoon of Four. I am a chocolate labrador retriever. My master is Daniel. I am always behind bars but Daniel takes Duke and I running in the hills and on the fields every day. I am 77 in dog years. I am lovable, sweet, friendly dog but sometimes I get in trouble. I am also obedient.
Hi! I am Speedy. I am a terrier mix, I am 7 years old in dog years. I am a service hearing dog, I am not blind, I my eyes are covered with hair. My master is deaf and her name is Becky. I like to play with other dogs and I love people. I move very, very fast, that is why my name is Speedy.
I am queen of the window! I am Sandy, I am a cocker spaniel and I am 85 years old. I love my masters, I have 4 masters, Daniel, Becky, David, and Karma. I am the queen of The Platoon Of Four. I love to sleep, play with my red ball, look out the window, and eat. I am a lovable, cuddlely dog. I am a cancer survivor. Twice!

My name is Duke. I am a yellow labrador retriever and I am 12 dog years old. I love my companion, Sadie and my master, Daniel. I love to run and play. My master is the best because he takes me on car rides and lets me run in the hills every day with Sadie. I follow Sadies orders every where we go, I am not much of a leader.
Hi! I am Speedy. I am a terrier mix, I am 7 years old in dog years. I am a service hearing dog, I am not blind, I my eyes are covered with hair. My master is deaf and her name is Becky. I like to play with other dogs and I love people. I move very, very fast, that is why my name is Speedy.
I am queen of the window! I am Sandy, I am a cocker spaniel and I am 85 years old. I love my masters, I have 4 masters, Daniel, Becky, David, and Karma. I am the queen of The Platoon Of Four. I love to sleep, play with my red ball, look out the window, and eat. I am a lovable, cuddlely dog. I am a cancer survivor. Twice!
My name is Duke. I am a yellow labrador retriever and I am 12 dog years old. I love my companion, Sadie and my master, Daniel. I love to run and play. My master is the best because he takes me on car rides and lets me run in the hills every day with Sadie. I follow Sadies orders every where we go, I am not much of a leader.
Tail wags, pups!
woofies Platoon of 4!!!!! heehee Duke soooo dat wuz u runnin around playin in ponds and huntin deers and skunks....dose paw warmer fingies lookies pawsome...
b safe,
welcome to dogs with blogs its nice to meet all of you
you are all very beautiful
lots of bark charlotte
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