This is Duke's first deer and Sadie's tenth(Sadie has been clean for 6 years). One and a half week ago we were at Black Hill hiking around and I didn't think there would be deer there. I guess the whole thing is my fault because I took them there. Yep, they killed an innocent deer and we left the deer all knawed off and still alive lieing there. We got out of there soon as possible just in case no one saw us. I came home so sad and upset. I felt bad for the deer and upset with Sadie and Duke. Maybe it's just a natural thing for them, that's way dogs are I guess. Sadie and Duke are not alone, one time I talked to Niki Christiansen(Niki Gordon) and she said her neighborhood dogs had killed some deer before too around that area(by the Canyon Road). It's a sad thing but it's just what dogs do and you can get in real big trouble about it. I got in trouble with some farmers and residents their back in the Sadie days and I haven't took her up there ever since. I took them to Black Hill all summer last year so I guess I learned that I shouldn't take them there in the spring time. Just wait until the deer are in the deep mountains this year then I will take them there.