Dan took Duke and I up the mountains because he wanted to go snowshoeing. I had soooo much fun up there, there wasn't any deer to chase but I still had fun. Duke got lost at the bottom so he went back to the car and waited for us. Dan figured he would do that so he did! He is a very patient dog. I feel bad Duke didn't come with us during the whole trip. The snow was deep, fun, and white! We went up to Willow Creek Trail, yes I have been there before, but Duke hasn't. Daniel flat wore me out! He had snowshoes and I didn't! I still had fun to be out in the hills. -Sadie

Willow Creek....beautiful place

The trail we hiked on

My hometown below
well duke probably had his own kind of fun....he was happy just to be duke and away from his kennel
Wow, looks like you guys had fun.
oh wow! What amazing snow you have!
In this country we only get a small amount now, unlike 20 years ago, when we often got snowed in.
Now if we get just a smattering of snow the whole country panics, everything closes including the roads and all manner of chaos ensues.
The UK has lost its "Churchill Spirit" I am afraid.
Kind regards, Jeannie - Marvin's Mama in Scotland ;0)
I have to agree with Jeannie, Marvin's Mama. I am Karen Foster's mom (a miniture Australian Shephard) and it is the same when it snows here in NC. The threat of snow or ice sends everyone to the store for milk!
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